KDM IP56 Enclosure
  • Custom Ip56 or Any IP rating Enclosure
  • IP65/IP66 认证
  • 3 天内快速制作样品

Custom IP56 Enclosure Manufacturer in China

KDM IP56 enclosure is specially designed for industry and factory automation, heavy-duty vehicles, outdoor kiosk, swimming and spa pool kiosk, toilet AD display, and medical equipment. This enclosure undergoes rigorous testing against harsh environments such as water jets, rain, flood, salt fog, moisture, severe dust, and dirt exposure.

Small quantities of dust can enter the enclosure, but the quantity of dust cannot impact the operation of the equipment.


Send your Inquiry on KDM IP56 Enclosure

IP56 enclosure 3
IP56 enclosure

KDM IP56 enclosure is manufactured using the highest quality materials, which ensures excellent insulating properties and a high level of resistance to chemical and mechanical influences.

KDM IP56 enclosure is resistant to heat, shocks, atmospheric agents, and UV rays. The right choice of materials is a core competence of KDM engineering and design capabilities.






+/- 0.5mm的弯曲精度,表面光滑无弯曲痕迹。






专业的装配团队,每个 KDM 外壳的装配质量始终如一

KDM IP56 Enclosure

stainless steel IP56 Enclosure
Stainless Steel IP56 Enclosure

We, at KDM, provide enclosures range of electrical enclosure including pole mounts, wall mounts, floor mounts, free-standing, lockable, modular and more. These enclosures can vary in size, from relatively small street-side cabinets to large walk-in cabins located trackside greenfield sites, street-sides, etc.

IP56 Enclosure factory
KDM IP56 Enclosure Factory

IP56 Enclosure Welding
                                                                                                                                             IP56 Enclosure Welding

IP56 enclosure designed to satisfy customer needs, precisely engineered & carefully manufactured by KDM. KDM features a reliable and long lifetime and versatile IP56 enclosure mechanical design. KDM IP56 enclosure protects people who come in contact with the component. Besides the protection mention above, the IP56 enclosure also adds protection from splashing water, horse-driven water, snow, and corrosion. IP56 from KDM offered in high standards and at the same time can be customized to meet your specific application requirements.

KDM electrical enclosure that meets IP56 standards can be customized. Custom IP56 products can be painted in any number of colors or color combinations. Also, you can choose the materials, finishes, shapes, sizes, holes, and cutouts, in each of these, we can handle with expertise. We design and manufactures custom IP56 enclosure according to customer’s requirements to meet their exact job needs.
IP56 Enclosure detail

At KDM, we present your wide variety of electrical enclosure meeting IP56 standards. Our large range of innovative enclosure solutions supplemented by a vast selection of accessories. With the immediate availability of products, your product can be individually adapted to fit any of your applications. The KDM range of IP 56enclosure has been on the market for over 10 years.

KDM as a premier manufacturer with a strong customer service approach, our extensive experience, in designing, engineering, and manufacturing capability enables us to meet the advancing needs of our clients. IP56 enclosure quality is essential to ensuring longevity and value for your money, which is why we strive to supply customers with high-quality, durable products that will stand the test of time.
IP56 enclosure

With 10 years of manufacturing experienced, KDM has a team of the most creative & highly skilled professionals who use optimum quality raw materials and innovative technology in manufacturing. Our IP56 enclosure is crafted as per the standard guidelines and stringently tested on various quality parameters by our expert quality controllers. So you can guarantee that our IP56 enclosure is convenient, user-friendly and quality assured.

For further details in our IP enclosure, contact us today!

The Definitive FAQ Guide to IP56 Enclosures

What does the IP code mean?

The IP code stands for Ingress Protection. It is also known as IEC standard 60529.

It is called EN 60529 in Europe.

It consists of 2 numbers after the IP.

The first number corresponds to the level of protection against the ingress of solids, whereas the second digit corresponds to the ingress of liquids.

For dust, the numbers go from 1 to 6, and for liquids, they go from 1 to 9K.

Enclosures with a dust rating of 1 would protect against anything that is bigger than 50 mm, or 1.9 in.

On the other hand, enclosures that are fully dust-tight protect against any solid particles.

IP chart
IP chart
Enclosures with a liquid rating of 1 are effective against dripping water in an upright position, thus, they are protected against rain.

Meanwhile, 9K enclosures are able to withstand pressurized jets of hot water.

There can be a zero marked, which means no protection.

There can also be an “X” mark, which usually means that any number can be put there.

There can be other lettered markings as well.

What does IP56 mean?

Enclosures rated with IP56 are protected against limited dust ingress, and from high-pressure water jets from any direction.



High-pressure water jets can be measured at 100 liters per minute and could be heavy rain, water spray from nearby machinery or marine environments.

IP56 enclosures are also stronger in environments with chemicals and corrosion since it has a good weather-proof rating.

Especially, IP56 enclosures are able to withstand the heavy seas, so they can be put in beachy locations, on ships, or near pools.

Also, places with fog and humidity will be okay as well.

IP56 enclosure
IP56 enclosure

What is the difference between IP55 and IP56?

These two IP ratings are exactly the same in terms of dust protection, but IP56 can take on pressurized water jets, whereas IP55 is good only for splashes and low-pressure spray.

Both are very similar, but if your business involves a lot of water, then IP56 is better than IP55.

主 IP 代码后面的字母与什么相关?


2 组可选字母 您可以在数字后添加。

附加套件 - A、B、C、D - 描述了外壳防篡改的保护。

A stands for protection against the back of a hand; B stands for protection against a finger; C stands for protection against access with a tool, while D indicates for protection against access with a wire.

补充字母组合 — H、M、S、W — 告诉用户外壳的用途。

H 表示外壳可用于高压设备;M 表示外壳内的设备在水测试期间正在移动,而 S 则表示相反 - 它处于静止状态。

最后,W 表示外壳是防风雨的。

完整 IP 代码
完整 IP 代码
You can use these to indicate what features you want your IP56 enclosures to have.


What testing do IP56 enclosures undergo?

IP5X 使用封闭空间进行测试,在该空间中,真空吸引大量灰尘和不同粉末,这些粉末被吹到外壳周围 8 分钟,然后检查外壳是否有灰尘进入。

Dust chamber testing
       Dust chamber testing
IPX6 is tested using spray nozzles, measured at 12.5mm, with oscillating tubes that pressurize and spray water at 100 liters per minute for 5-10 minutes in any imaginable angle.

IP56 enclosures can also be submerged underwater for 2 minutes.

Can IP56 standards be converted into any NEMA type?

至于 美国电气制造商协会,我们提供任意类型,从 1 开始直到 13,包括子类型,例如 3X。

我们的 NEMA 外壳 可防止天气、腐蚀、冷却剂渗漏、化学品等。

IP 等级和 NEMA 类型不能直接相互转换,但可以松散地 比较的 as shown below. ZZZZ

NEMA 和 IP 等级比较
NEMA and IP rating comparison
As the table shows, there is no direct comparison, but there can be a close resemblance between IP56 and NEMA types 3, 3X, 3S, and 3SX.

Types 12, 13, and 5 are also fairly close.

These types are often used outdoors, protecting against rain, dust, snow, and sleet.

It is often used with junction boxes.

The type 3X is extra corrosion-resistant. Type 3S is aimed to protect from ice.

并且,3SX 型兼具这两种特性。

Thus, you can get all these properties with IP56 as well.

Are IP56 enclosures explosion-proof?

Unfortunately, IP56 enclosures are not strong enough to contain an explosion or an arc flash.

They are not comparable to NEMA types 7, 8, 9, or 10.

These enclosures need to withstand high impacts and high temperatures.

As for arc flash, enclosures typically can’t protect from that, so personnel needs to keep that in mind.

However, if you need an explosion-proof enclosure, 联系我们 and we will engineer it for you!

Do IP56 enclosures protect against corrosive agents?

IP56 is not fully waterproof, so it may not protect against corrosive agents if they are strongly sprayed on it or submerged in.



How do IP56 enclosures deal with thermal hazards?

KDM IP56 enclosures are equipped with double-wall technology, a thermal chamber, insulation, heat strips, heat exchangers, and vents with air conditioning.

All this provides protection from the electrical heat and solar radiation to prolong the life of electrical components within the enclosure.

Double wall technology
Double-wall technology

Where can IP56 enclosures be used and for what applications?

IP56 enclosures can be used both indoors and outdoors in non-hazardous environments.

IP56 enclosures are commonly used in industry and factory

machinery/equipment, heavy-duty construction, swimming and spa pools, bathrooms, transformers, and medical equipment.

Some other applications include medical equipment, like a CPR machine, and even medications.

Other applications may be telecom cabinets or control boards, among other things.

此 IP 等级非常适合户外环境,因为它防雨且能充分防止灰尘进入。

IP56 enclosures are also well protected against tampering, just as any IP5X enclosure is.

IP56 outdoor enclosure
IP56 outdoor enclosure

What designs of IP56 enclosures can I choose from?


独立式外壳 非常适合那些太重而无法安装在墙上或杆上大型电器设备。


They are also portable and can be 步入式封闭空间.

落地式机柜 与独立式外壳非常相似,只有落地式外壳固定在地板上 - 因此,它们不可移动。


壁挂式外壳 使用安装支架、螺丝和垫片。


Modular enclosures are highly versatile and can be switched around, which is great for any application.

Junction boxes and operator interfaces are usually enclosures on a stand.

They have user-friendly layouts, are great for small electrical units, and can be portable.

These are the most common with IP56 enclosures that are used for control panels.

当然,我们也有我们的 定制外壳,可以是任何设计、形状和要求。

How many doors can an IP56 enclosure have?

Single doors are perfect for smaller and less complex electrical units, whereas double doors are used for large and complex units.

Multiple doors are used for huge industrial applications or for increased security.

If you would like a consultation on our designs, you are welcome to reach out to us!

What features can I request for IP56 enclosures?




Radiating fan in an enclosure
Radiating fan in an enclosure


视窗 帮助人员以快速、非侵入的方式检查电气元件。


此外,红外线窗户有助于保护工人免受 电弧闪光 事故。

铰链门 控制外壳的门或盖子的打开方式和打开程度。


add a layer of security to your IP56 enclosure, making sure no one tampers with it or accidentally accesses its electrical components.


What accessories can I request for IP56 enclosures?




Solar shield (the top plate)
Solar shield (the top plate)
DIN 导轨 用于安装工业应用设备外壳中的断路器。

We also make casters, thermometers, light switches, lifting eyes, operator devices, and purpose-specific features like keypads and heat exchangers.

如需了解更多信息,欢迎 联系我们 for more information about all the different features and accessories we offer! We will also provide any custom feature you request.

锁、窗、通风口和铰链会降低 IP 等级吗?

是的,通风口、窗户和锁等功能确实会在一定程度上影响 IP 等级,但也有办法解决这个问题。

但 KDM 克服了这一困难,为您的企业提供了一些最好的外壳。

我们采用各种垫圈、PU 密封件、闩锁和过滤器来平衡 IP 等级。

What different types of steel can be used for IP56 enclosures?

The materials used for IP56 enclosures aren’t different from materials used for other types of enclosures.

它们可以由 碳钢, 镀锌钢, 和 不锈钢 – 通常为 304、316 或 316L 等级。





304 和 316 钢种在所有添加剂的含量上有所不同。

由于含有钼,316 级材料强度更高,并且能耐盐水和酸性水。

但 304 级更便宜且更常见。

316L 级碳含量较低,因此强度更高。

镀锌钢 涂有一层锌保护层,可防止腐蚀。

我们有 镀锌钢外壳, and this metal is vulnerable to salt water.



如果你想了解更多, 发送您的询问 现在就进行咨询!

Is fiberglass a good material for IP56 enclosures?

玻璃纤维 is very strong, can dissipate heat, and insulates electricity, lowering the effect of interference and the possibility of shock.


Fiberglass enclosures can be up to IP65, so IP56 is possible.

Fiberglass is also effective against corrosion.

Speaking of plastics, we can include windows made from polycarbonate and  ABS.

聚碳酸酯更耐腐蚀,而 ABS 更便宜。

Why use aluminum for IP56 enclosures?

IP56 enclosures can also be made from aluminum alloys.


与钢材等级一样,铝合金可以是 5052 或 6061 系列。

两者都很轻,但 5052 更易焊接,而 6061 具有更高的抗腐蚀能力。




So, if you are looking to put IP56 enclosures in such mildly hazardous environments, aluminum is good for that.

What paints and coatings can be used for IP56 enclosures?


You can choose enamel or powder paint coats in any color.

Enamel paint has a glossy finish and is resistant to different weather conditions.

Specific enamel paints like epoxy enamel and PU enamel are commonly used for industrial enclosures since they are resistant to corrosion.

粉末涂料 is deposited with the electrostatic force and is quicker and easier than enamel.


阳极氧化 涂层使用阳极氧化金属(通常是铝)以增加其厚度,从而获得更好的耐腐蚀性。


阿洛丁涂层,又称 铬酸盐转化膜,用于钢和铝的底漆涂装以及防止腐蚀。


This is a cheaper process than anodizing, and can be recognized by its characteristic greenish-yellow hue, unless it is painted over.

我们可以提供任何颜色和表面处理的涂层,因此 联系我们 今天!

How do you customize the symbols or writing on an IP56 enclosure?


Silk Screening is the easiest and most affordable method to customize an enclosure.

Any flat side of the enclosure can be silk-screened with labeling operators, serial number, your company name, and logo.

Examples of operators include emergency stop and gas detection among others.

However, silk-screening on metal like stainless steel or aluminum can be worn off or scratched off, but a clear powder coat helps to prevent that.

Silk screening
Silk screening
Engraving the enclosure is another method of customizing your enclosures.

This option is more costly and takes more time, but it is also more long-term than silk-screening.

A little bit of metal is removed from the surface of the enclosure in the design of the logo or symbol.

Usually, about 0.005 inches or 0.010 inches of metal is removed.


There can also be anti-graffiti and anti-poster coatings to protect your IP56 enclosure from vandalism.

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