A custom-designed electronic enclosure must simply be that: customized. The electrical enclosure needs to be in the correct dimensions and have accurately positioned cutouts, or else your project will fail.
As a general rule, 电器外壳 should guard their components from mechanical and human tampering.
Even the most elementary custom electronic enclosure can ensure this without any problem.
Step 1: Specification Of Custom Electronic Enclosure Design
When you need extra protection, like shielding from chemicals, dust and moisture, ensuring the correct specifications gets even more critical.
Even the smallest error in enclosure dimensions or cutout placement may cost higher than you are willing to spend.
We cannot overstate the essence of precision with respect to designing custom electronic enclosure for a particular application.
A few milimeters could be sufficient to render the whole enclosure cabinet totally unusable!
For that matter, here are the key specifications of custom electronic enclosure that you must communicate clearly to your enclosure manufacturer:
- Type
- 材料
- 特征
- 方面
- 防水等级
- Power Supply
- Location of Use
Step 2: Designing Custom Electronic Enclosure
Selecting the features of custom electronic enclosure based on the desired environmental conditions and size is the starting step of the design.
The custom enclosure design phase involves panel and enclosure layout, and thermal aspects. This helps to establish how you must customize the electronic enclosure to fulfil requirements.
The primary customization step normally is making enclosure cutouts, an operation that you can perform in-house or through the manufacturer.
Customized enclosures are constructed to order and you cannot return them unless they are spoiled during shipping.
Owing to this, there is necessity to precisely design the custom electronic enclosure cutouts.
Be keen on the dimensions of cutouts or use cutouts offered by the fabricator. This makes sure that the customized electrical enclosure satisfies the design requirements.
Step 3: Selecting The Suitable Material For Custom Electronic Enclosure
The common types of materials used in custom electrical enclosure manufacturing include:
- Plastics
- 玻璃纤维
- 金属
Moreover, these are the popular types of metal materials for custom electrical enclosure:
- 铝
- 不锈钢
- 碳钢
- Cold Rolled Steel
Custom Sheet Metal Electronic Enclosure
The primary factors that will determine the choice of metal for your custom electronic enclosure design consist of:
- Price
- 重量
- Environmental Conditions
- 美学
Step 4: Fabricating And Machining Custom Electronic Enclosure
Cutting Custom Electrical Enclosure Material
This is the first step during the manufacturing of custom electrical enclosure. Make sure that you cut to size the design drawing measurements accurately.
There are various techniques of cutting the different types of materials for custom electronic enclosure. The common methods of cutting non-metallic custom electronic enclosure materials include:
- 冲孔
- Boring/Drilling
- 孔锯
- 路由
Moreover, you can employ waterjet and laser cutting techniques, which result in extraordinarily precise, smooth neat cutouts.
However, they call for great investment in both man power training and tools.
On the other hand, typical methods of cutting metallic custom electronic enclosure materials include:
Punching of custom electrical enclosure material thrusts a hardened steel punch into and across the workpiece. In turn, this creates a hole in the material, with the punch diameter dictating the hole size formed in the enclosure material.
Punching of Custom Electronic Enclosure Material
剪切 facilitates cutting of straight lines on levelled custom metal electrical enclosure material. During shearing operation, a bottom and upper blade are forced against one another with space in between them established by a specified offset.
Shearing of Electronic Enclosure Workpiece
Blanking involves removing a metal workpiece from the main metal sheet when you punch it, with the removed material being the new workpiece.
Blanking of Custom Enclosure Material
Laser cutting ensures an accurate cut by using laser beam. It is among the most effective means of cutting custom electronic enclosure materials.
This method of cutting materials for custom electrical enclosure utilizes high-power stream of water. An abrasive additive is sometimes combined with the water jet to ensure a clean and precise cut.
Plasma cutting refers to a thermal cutting technique that applies ionised gas to cut metal enclosure materials. You can apply this technique to cut a broad range of electrically conductive metal alloys.
Bending Custom Electrical Enclosure
The commonly applied bending techniques for metallic custom electronic enclosure materials include:
V 型弯曲
In this method of bending metal enclosure material, the die and punch assume a “V” shape. The punch causes material to bend by pushing it in the V-shaped groove within the V-die.
V-bending of Custom Elctronic Enclosure Material
Air Bending
Air bending employs a V-shaped punch tool and bottom die, with the punch profile defining the bend radius. Similarly, you determine the bend angle by the stroke depth, which you can adjust on the bending machine.
Air bending of Electronic Enclosure Workpiece
This method of bending applies V-shaped punch and bottom die as well. Here, the punch will thrust the custom electronic enclosure material onto the internal bottom die surface.
The angle of the bottom tool determines the bend angle. Bottoming ensure more accuracy and features minimal spring back in comparison to air bending technique.
Bottoming Bending Method
This is another popular bending method, which requires you to hold the sheet metal against the wipe die using a pressure bad. Subsequently, the punch then pushes against the material edge that prolongs beyond the pad and die.
Consequently, the workpiece will bend over the radius of the boundary of wipe die.
Edge Bending of Custom Electronic Enclosure Part
Coining is a commonly applied bending method due to its accuracy and unique capability to form distinguishing electrical enclosure parts.
The technique experiences no spring-back of sheet metal since the coin thrust through the material at a smaller radius. This forms a dent found on a coin helping to differentiate one workpiece from another.
Coining Bending Method
Roll bending facilitates bending of custom sheet metal electronic enclosure materials into curved or rolled shapes. The operation utilizes a press brake, hydraulic press and three rollers sets to form different bends.
Roll Bending of Electronic Enclosure Workpiece
With regards to working principle, U-bending is similar to V-bending. The process involves similar tool (save for a U-die) and procedure. However, the main difference being the U-shaped workpiece formed.
U-bending of Electronic Enclosure Part
This bending technique is advantageous over V-bending or wipe bending since it does not scratch the surface of material. Moreover, it allows you to bend the material for custom electronic enclosure into sharp corners.
Step Bending
Also known as bump bending, step bending is basically repetitive V-bending. This method of bending employs several V-bends in sequence to obtain a big radius for the workpiece.
The ultimate quality is dependent on the bend number and step in between them. More bends ensure smoother result.
Step Bending of Materials for Custom Electronic Enclosure
Assembling Of Custom Electronic Enclosure
You can apply several joining methods during the process of making custom electronic enclosure. The popular assembling techniques used include:
Welding is a permanent method of joining components of metal custom electrical enclosure. This fabrication technique entails binding two or more components together utilizing pressure, heat or both.
There are different welding techniques you can use which comprise of:
Arc Welding
Arc welding refers to a fusion welding procedure employed to join metal custom electrical enclosure parts. An electric arc coming from DC or AC power supply produces an extreme heat of about 6500 degrees Fahrenheit.
This heat leads to melting of the metal at the joint between the 2 work pieces.
Laser beam welding techniques is applied in joining work pieces of thermoplastic or metal custom electrical enclosure by using a laser beam. The method offers a concentrated source of heat, enabling thin, deep welds and great welding rates.
The welding technique is best for high volume custom electronic enclosure manufacturing operations. It applies penetration or keyhole mode welding.
Electron Beam Welding
Electron-beam welding describes a fusion welding operation in which you apply a high-velocity beam of electrons to the 2 materials you want to join. The custom electrical enclosure parts you are joining melt and fuse together while the electrons’ kinetic energy transform into heat on impact.
Flash Welding
This refers to an electrical resistance welding procedure employed for joining custom electrical enclosure components. The primary source of energy transfer is from the resistance heat coming from the components themselves.
The custom electronic enclosure parts are placed end-to-end over the full joint section.
Seam Welding
Seam welding process entails joining 2 similar or dissimilar enclosure materials along a continual seam applying electric current and pressure.
Resistance Spot Welding
This refers to an electric welding process applied to weld different sheet metal custom enclosure parts. Resistance spot welding involves joining the parts through heat drawn from electric current resistance.
Resistance Spot Welding of Custom Electronic Enclosure Parts
Explosion Welding
Explosion welding describes a solid-state method of joining custom electrical enclosure parts. The technique employs explosive force to develop an electron-sharing metallurgical fusion between the two components you are joining.
Friction Welding
Friction welding is also a solid-state mechanism of joining custom electrical enclosure components. It welds the components through producing heat by mechanical friction.
Diffusion Welding
This is also a solid-state welding procedure that involves no fusion or liquid phase. There is no melting of the welding material and the formed weld joint is in perfect solid state.
Friction Stir Welding
A solid-state joining operation that employs frictional heat produced by a spinning tool to bind custom electronic enclosure parts.
Upset Welding
Upset welding refers to resistance welding mechanism that applies both deformation and heat to develop a weld.
Projection Welding
Here, you use the shape/design of the electrical enclosure part to form discreet independent point contacts to focus current during welding.
Ultrasonic Welding
This refers to solid-state welding mechanism where you join metal and plastic custom enclosure materials without melting. The welding technique transfers high-frequency mechanical vibrations to the parts you want to join, making one part to slide over the other.
The joining happens due to heat produced through friction and extreme plastic deformation.
The common techniques used in mechanical joining of custom electronic enclosure parts consist of:
Riveting is among the common methods used to permanently bind two or more custom metal enclosure parts. The rivet is made up of a rod that features a head, which can have varying shapes.
These heads feature a larger diameter in comparison to the other parts of the rivet. This facilitates fitting after insertion into a hole on the enclosure workpieces.
Joining of custom electronic enclosure applying bolted joints consisting of fasteners. These fasteners hold and fasten other components, and are tightened through screw threads mating.
Clinching Joint
This is a permanent mechanism of joining custom sheet metal electrical enclosure parts. It forms a button-type positive joint between 2 or 3 sheet metal layers, and entails joining the parts through a cold forming process.
Clinch Joining of Electronic Enclosure Materials
Tab Joint/Folding
Bending tabs or folding is an affordable means of creating permanent joints between custom electronic enclosure parts. The operation does not need extra hardware and you can perform it on metal bending equipment.
Folding Method of Joining Electronic Enclosure Parts
Screw Joint
Screw joint is a form of temporary joining technique. You can use standoff, nuts, screws and studs to join custom sheet metal electronic enclosure parts.
Temporary Joint Utilizing Machine Screw
You can readily bond metal enclosure parts using a myriad of adhesives. Let’s look at the common metal adhesives used for joining custom electronic enclosure parts:
- Structural Adhesives like structural acrylic epoxies and adhesives, which create strong joints that resist chemicals, temperature and stress.
- Anaerobic Adhesive is only applied as metal sealant and adhesive. However, it does not cure on custom electrical enclosure materials like plastic and fiberglass.
- Cyanoacrylate Adhesives forms strength very fast, with methyl cyanoacrylate as the best choice. It works perfectly in shear and withstands non-polar solvents.
- UV Curable Adhesives is perfect for invisible connections between metal and glass enclosure parts.
- MS Polymer Adhesive is best for thin sheet metals. The low shrinkage offers no read-through, implying that you cannot recognize the location of the adhesive, thus giving a perfect aesthetic finish.
Grinding Custom Electronic Enclosure
Grinding of custom metal electrical enclosure is usually a manual process, though large custom parts will use automated finishing machines. The operation helps in finishing off rough edges, smooth welds, deburr metal components and/or form sharp edges.
Moreover, you can employ grinding to develop unique finished appearance.
You can perform manual grinding simply by utilizing a file, however most custom electrical enclosure grinding is done using grinding machine. In custom metal electronic enclosure, you can use a stationary grinding equipment having industrial belts or wheels or handheld grinder.
Nonetheless, you may use portable handheld grinder rather than grinding machinery in difficult to reach sections. Also, handheld grinders are used if grinding larger enclosure workpieces that cannot fit on grinding machine.
Punching Holes On Custom Electronic Enclosure
With the aid of punch and die, punching operation fabricates holes in the custom electrical enclosure part.
Here are the popular punching techniques employed during manufacturing of custom electronic enclosure:
- 冲孔
- 丁金
- Slotting
- Slitting
- Nibbling
- Parting
- 穿孔
- 兰辛
- 剃须
- Notching
- Cutoff
Step 5: Surface Finishing Of Custom Electronic Enclosure
The common surface finishing operations for custom electrical enclosures include:
Typically, custom electrical enclosures can be wet painted or powder coated depending on your choice. These surface finish methods protect the enclosure cabinet from corrosion and extra environmental elements.
Powder Coated Custom Electronic Enclosure
The three common types of plating you can use to provide surface finishing for custom electronic enclosure consist of:
Electroplating entails fusing a thin film of one metal, like zinc or chrome to the base metal surface. You bond the plating the base metal chemically through electric conduction.
Nevertheless, it is important not to confuse electroplating with anodizing. The latter entails fusing an extra layer of similar metal to base material by same electrochemical operation.
Electroless Plating
Also referred to as conversion coating or autocatalytic plating, this is a plating technique without utilizing external source of power. Electroless plating entails putting the custom electronic enclosure part inside an aqueous solution and then adding nickel.
This catalyzes the reduction of nickel ions, which consequently plate the enclosure component without dispersal of any electrical energy.
Different from electroplating, electroless plating is an entirely chemical procedure that requires no electrical energy or extra machines.
Immersion Plating
Immersion plating involves depositing sticking coatings of nobler metals onto your custom metal electronic enclosure surface. You submerge the custom electronic enclosure part into a solution of nobler metal ions to cause a replacement reaction.
It leads to metallic layer deposition on the custom enclosure material surface from the solution containing the coating metal.
Immersion coating helps in enhancing the electrical properties and bonding of adhesive or organic coating to the custom electrical enclosure material.
Plating is normally performed in special manufacturing facilities due to the fact it is a chemical operation.
You perform the anodizing operation through immersing the custom electronic enclosure in an acid bath. Subsequently, electric current is passed across the enclosure cabinet.
This surface finish operation improves the aesthetic and surface protection of the custom metal electronic enclosure.
Screen printing or engraving allows further customization of electrical enclosure. You can create company logo, special stamp or legends.
Here, you apply the coatings to guard the custom electrical enclosure from distinct environmental elements. The most often applied special surface coating for electrical enclosure comprise of:
- Chemical conversion coating that ensures corrosion-resistant, long-lasting surface with stable electrical conductivity.
- RFI/EMC 屏蔽涂层 guards custom electronic enclosures from electromagnetic or radio frequency interference.
Step 6: Quality Analysis of Custom Electronic Enclosure
Quality inspection of the electrical enclosure ensures that the final product is of the highest standard. For best results, quality inspection should run from the initial to last stage of custom electronic enclosure fabrication process.
Here are the essential quality tests that every electrical enclosure must go through:
Sand And Dust Test
Sand and dust test determines the resistance of custom electronic enclosure to particulate matter.
IP testing assists in establishing the electronic enclosure capacity to inhibit dust, water and additional particles penetration.
Accelerated Aging Test
The test helps in understanding the probable failure issues by attaining prolonged lifespan exposure through a shorter duration.
Thermal Shock Test
Thermal shock test is critical in characterizing the custom electrical enclosure durability.
High Accelerated Stress Screening And Highly Accelerated Life Testing
HASS establishes the custom electronic enclosure weakness arising during fabrication procedure. On the other hand, HALT establishes the physical drawbacks of the enclosure design when subjected to differing stressors.
Temperature Variation Test
This involves a chain of environmental tests which mimic the effects of rapid or steady temperature variations on the custom electrical enclosure.
Humidity Test
As the name suggest, this test analyses the extended humidity effects on the enclosure cabinet.
Accelerated Weathering Test
This test simulates how external elements, including UV radiation, moisture, wind and dust affect the enclosure in the long-term.
Hail Impact Test
Hail impact testing assesses the longevity of the material for custom electronic enclosure if exposed to hail strike.
Vibration Test
Vibration testing helps in evaluating the custom electronic enclosures operation or degradation if subjected to mechanical motion.
Salt Spray Corrosion Test
Salt spray corrosion testing analyses the extent to which the enclosure finished surface, paint or coating is corrosion-resistant.
Solar Radiation Test
This test examines the impacts of photochemical and thermal degradation of solar rays on the components and materials of custom electrical enclosure.
Step 6: Packaging of Custom Electrical Enclosure For Shipping
Typically, small custom electronic enclosures are packed in well sized carton packages. For extra protection, you place cardboard inserts and corner edging.
You can package medium-size custom electronic enclosures in standard wooden pallet of 48” by 40” dimensions. Nevertheless, it is quite challenging to package large custom electronic enclosure cabinets.
Due to this fact, most enclosure manufacturers will recommend that you ship the large custom electrical enclosure as components. These parts will be assembled at destination, hence allowing for ease in transportation.
The best electrical enclosure manufacturer will provide assistance on how to assemble and install the enclosure cabinet.
However, it is also possible to package and ship large electrical enclosures in wooden structure built to their specific measurements.
For all your custom electrical enclosures, KDMSteel offers perfect solution for you – 立即联系我们.