KDM NEMA 2 Enclosure
  • Customized Enclosure Solution for Your Project
  • IP65/IP66認証
  • Fast Sample Production within 3 days

Custom NEMA 2 Enclosure Manufacturer in China

KDM NEMA 2 enclosure design and construction protect your equipment from the wind and rain, keep your protected from the sun, safely situated within a building and under a roof, and properly secure your equipment.

Also, if water may drip on your enclosure or lightly splash it, KDM NEMA 2 enclosure is your better option.


Send your Inquiry on KDM IP67 Enclosure

IP67 エンクロージャサプライヤー

In KDM, we manufacture and retail various high-quality and customizable standardized enclosures. We also provide a wide range of electronics and industrial enclosures including aluminum enclosure, plastic enclosure, handheld enclosure, die-cast, aluminum box, stainless steel box and many more. Get an instant quote for your NEMA enclosure.


4000W 高性能レーザー切断機、+/- 0.05mm の精度。バリや傷はありません。




+/- 0.5mmの曲げ精度、曲げ跡のない滑らかな表面。


10 名以上の溶接経験のある作業員が、完璧な全体的な外観を実現します。





KDM NEMA 2 Enclosure

NEMA 2 エンクロージャ

KDM NEMA 2 enclosure provides additional protection against the dirt and water infiltration that may be caused by conditions that have high condensation, such as cooling rooms or laundry rooms. These type of enclosure are only suitable for the equipment being housed inside. It will prevent contact with live parts and may help you avert a dangerous accident. NEMA 2 enclosure from KDM may also be ventilated.

NEMA 2 Enclosure manufacturing

A steel and stainless steel NEMA 2 enclosure from KDM performs as promised. Its built-in ruggedness means greater ease installation day, plus long-term return on your investment and meets your environmental conditions. KDM designs its rugged reliable uninterruptible power supplies, frequency converters, power conditioners, and other products for use in all environments in NEMA 2 enclosures.

With KDM NEMA 2 enclosures, all your electrical and electronic components are safe in most hazardous environments. KDM NEMA 2 enclosure offers many high quality enclosure features including continuous hinge, easy installed concealed hinge, durable and versatile clamp style latch, clamp cover and more.

With careful selection of design and finishing, KDM manufactures dependable and durable NEMA 2 enclosures. KDM NEMA 2 enclosures sizes, layouts and designs vary depending on your requirement and various applications.

NEMA 2 Enclosure details

KDM NEMA 2 enclosures use high-tech and automated NEMA enclosure manufacturing thus offers a cost competitive solution than any other competitors. At KDM Steel, we develop, design and manufacture any NEMA enclosure design to meet each of your desired.

We, at KDM, recommend overlapping flanges on all open seams of the case, using tack, spot or plug welds to fasten the seams. Depending on the severity of the environment, you may require fully welded seams. A U-Shape enclosure would work best, as there are fewer seams to weld.

NEMA 2 エンクロージャ

NEMA 2 エンクロージャ

KDM is a professional NEMA enclosure manufacturer in China, we can manufacture any types of NEMA enclosures. Our NEMA 2 enclosure is made with the highest materials and adhere to strict NEMA enclosure quality standards that ensure products performance and reliability.

At KDM, our extensive knowledge and over 10 years of experience in providing electrical enclosure solutions, our NEMA 2 enclosures is so extensive. We manufacture various high quality and customizable standardized enclosures.

NEMA 2 エンクロージャ

We, at KDM, can help and provide you with our NEMA 2 enclosures according to your particular applications. We believe that by providing the best for your enclosure needs while you’re configuring what goes into it will save you time, money and frustration.

The Ultimate FAQ Guide to NEMA 2 Enclosures

What does NEMA Type 2 mean?

NEMAとは 全米電気工業会.


NEMA 2 complies with limited indoor use 仕様.

Just like NEMA 1, it protects against ingress of solid objects, such as falling dirt.


But it also protects against dripping and splashing water – more so that NEMA 1 does.

This has another benefit of protecting from outside condensation dripping in.

However, it does not protect against submerging or strong splashes since it is usually not gasketed, so keep that in mind.

Are there size requirements for NEMA Type 2 enclosures?

いいえ、NEMA タイプは寸法ではなく安全要件のみを概説しています。

NEMA 2 enclosures are typically small because they don’t provide much protection and house small electrical components like fuses.

NEMA 2 enclosure

NEMA 2 enclosure

KDMはお客様の仕様に合わせて筐体を作成しますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 お問い合わせ いつでも!

Are NEMA 2 enclosures used outdoors?

No, NEMA 2 enclosures do not protect against water ingress and dust ingress, so it is not suitable for outdoor environments.

Do NEMA 2 enclosures protect from explosions and arc flash?

No, NEMA 2 enclosures are not strong enough to withstand an external explosion or contain an internal one.

そのような保護が必要な場合は、危険な場所向けに特別に作られた NEMA タイプ 7 ~ 10 を検討する必要があります。

NEMAエンクロージャは、 アークフラッシュ 事故は起こり得るので、それに備えるのは職員の責任です。

Do NEMA 2 enclosures protect from corrosion?

Per se, NEMA Type 2 enclosures do not protect against corrosion well.


そのため、亜鉛メッキ鋼とステンレス鋼 316 が最適な選択肢となります。



What are common applications for NEMA 2 enclosures?

NEMA 2 enclosures are great for indoor commercial and residential uses.

These may be junction boxes, switch boxes, fuse boxes, pull boxes, service and utility boxes.

Some dry-type transformers are also sometimes housed in NEMA Type 2 enclosures.

Typical NEMA 2 box

Typical NEMA 2 box

Because NEMA 2 enclosures protect from condensation, they are common in laundry rooms and kitchens.

They can be used as frequency converters or power conditioners as well.

詳細については、 NEMA エンクロージャに関する FAQ!

Are there specifications on how to install NEMA 2 enclosures?

一部の NEMA タイプは定格を維持する必要があるため、設置方法に関してより敏感です。

However, NEMA 2 is not subject to this, so you can drill holes in an enclosure to mount it on a wall or pole.

Pole-mounted NEMA 2 enclosure

Pole-mounted NEMA 2 enclosure


How are NEMA 2 enclosures tested?

NEMA エンクロージャは NEMA ではなく、サードパーティの研究所によってテストされます。

NEMAラベル エンクロージャの評価を自己宣言するために使用できます。

NEMA 250 では、NEMA ラベルを取得するためにエンクロージャが受けるすべての広範なテストの概要が規定されています。

For NEMA 2, one of the tests is the rod entry test, which involves inserting a rod of different diameters into openings and vents of the enclosure in an attempt to reach live parts of the circuit.

NEMA 2 enclosures should also protect against falling dirt, so there can be a test for that as well.

NEMA 2 enclosures also undergo a drip test for 30 minutes to an hour of at least 20 water drops per minute hitting the top of the enclosure.

Drip test chamber

Drip test chamber


How can I be sure of the quality of NEMA 2 enclosures?

KDMでは、 ISO9001認証 見ることができるもの。


What is NEMA 2 in IP standards?

Although it is difficult to translate one set of standards into another, NEMA Type 2 is roughly comparable to IP11 or IP22.




NEMA の評価は他にどのように表されますか?

NEMA 250 規格は、UL 50E および CSA C22.2 No. 94.2 としても表されます。

これは、異なる認証機関が UL または CSA など異なる規格を使用しているため、NEMA ガイドラインはどちらかの観点から理解できるためです。

CSA はカナダで使用され、UL は主に米国で使用されます。

CSA および UL

  CSA および UL

What are common designs for NEMA 2 enclosures?

Some common designs for NEMA 2 enclosures include free-standing, floor-mounted, wall-mounted, pole-mounted, and recessed.

自立型 そして 床置き型 enclosures are used for bigger equipment, so they would serve well as junction and utility boxes.

要件に応じて、ドアを 1 つまたは複数にすることができます。




壁掛け そして ポールマウント NEMA 2 enclosures are typically small and house fuses and switches.





Recessed enclosures are installed into the wall or another surface, so it does not stick out.

This option of great if you don’t have much space or need to preserve the aesthetics of a certain location

Recessed enclosure

Recessed enclosure

Overall, higher NEMA ratings benefit from U-shaped designs since those require less seam welding, but NEMA 2 don’t have to have this due to its low rating, so you have more flexibility with design shapes.

もちろん、 カスタムエンクロージャ.











ウィンドウズ 担当者が迅速かつ非侵襲的な方法で電気部品を検査するのに役立ちます。


さらに、赤外線窓は作業員を アークフラッシュ 熱の蓄積を目に見える形で知らせることで事故を未然に防ぎます。



蝶番ドア 筐体のドアまたはカバーがどのように、どの程度開くかを制御します。



ロック, latches, and clamps add a layer of security to your NEMA 2 enclosure, making sure no one tampers with it or accidentally accesses its electrical components.




これらはジャンクション ボックスに最適で、さまざまなワイヤーが絡まることなく、アクセスしやすくなります。


Drip cap

Drip cap

Casters help move the enclosure around; lifting eyes are for heavy enclosures that need to be lifted to be carried around; file pockets store operating manuals; drip caps protect the enclosure from splashing water; switches and lights help operate the equipment inside the enclosure.


理想的には、個々の継手、通気口、ノックアウトなどは、エンクロージャよりも優れた NEMA 定格を備えている必要があります。


What materials are used for NEMA 2 enclosures?

The materials used for NEMA 2 enclosures aren’t different from materials used for other types of enclosures.

これらは 炭素鋼, 亜鉛メッキ鋼、 そして ステンレス鋼 – 通常はグレード 304、316、または 316L です。



この鋼は腐食しやすいため、屋外用に設計された NEMA タイプには推奨されません。




鋼種 304 と 316 では、すべての添加剤の含有量が異なります。

For NEMA Type 2 enclosures, stainless steel grade 304 is most recommended.

亜鉛メッキ鋼 腐食を防ぐ亜鉛の保護層でコーティングされています。



鋼を使用する場合、製造業者は、NEMA 規格に準拠するために必要な鋼板の特定のゲージまたは厚さを念頭に置く必要があります。

NEMA 2 enclosures use 12-14 gauge steel, which is about 1.9-2.6 mm.

グラスファイバー 非常に強力で、熱を放散し、電気を絶縁し、干渉の影響とショックの可能性を低減します。






鋼のグレードと同様に、アルミニウム合金は 5052 シリーズまたは 6061 シリーズのいずれかになります。



どちらも軽量ですが、5052 は溶接性に優れ、6061 は耐腐食性に優れています。

また、6061 の方が高価です。



But NEMA 2 enclosures are not made for these environments, so aluminum is not common for them.

また、当社の窓はポリカーボネートと ABS で作られています。

ポリカーボネートは腐食に強いですが、ABS は安価です。

さらに詳しく知りたい方は、 お問い合わせを送信 今すぐご相談ください!

What paints and coatings can be used for NEMA 2 enclosures?



エナメル塗料 光沢のある仕上がりで、さまざまな気象条件に耐性があります。

エポキシエナメルや PU エナメルなどの特殊なエナメル塗料は、耐腐食性があるため、工業用筐体によく使用されます。

粉体塗料 静電気力で沈着するので、エナメルよりも早く簡単に沈着します。





陽極酸化処理 コーティングでは、陽極を使用して金属(通常はアルミニウム)を酸化し、厚さを増やして耐腐食性を高めます。


アロジンコーティングとも呼ばれる クロメート化成コーティングは、塗装の下地として鋼鉄やアルミニウムに使用され、腐食を防止します。



This is a cheaper process than anodizing and can be recognized by its characteristic greenish-yellow hue unless it is painted over.


あらゆる色と仕上げのコーティングをご提供できますので、 お問い合わせ 今日!

What are some ways to put symbols on a NEMA Type 2 enclosure?







エンクロージャに彫刻を施すことは、エンクロージャをカスタマイズするもう 1 つの方法です。



通常、表面から約 0.005 インチまたは 0.010 インチの金属が除去されます。









これらには、間違った NEMA タイプ、間違った材料、間違ったサイズ、間違った設計の選択、機能の無視などが含まれます。

NEMA タイプには、適した特定の環境があります。

NEMA 2 is built for non-hazardous, indoor locations with normal air pressure, and some dripping water.

NEMA 2 usually uses stainless steel 304 or galvanized steel to increase resistance to corrosion.


However, NEMA 2 enclosures are usually medium-sized because they function as fuse boxes and transformers.

デザインや機能に関しては、ケースによって異なりますので、 メーカーにご相談ください アドバイスを求めます。

Recent NEMA 2 Enclosure Order

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  • 窓付き炭素鋼電気エンクロージャ
  • 窓付きステンレス電気筐体
  • ステンレススチール製二重扉エンクロージャーサンシールド

NEMA 2 Enclosure – Your Ultimate FAQs Guide

NEMA 2 エンクロージャ

NEMA 2 エンクロージャ

What is NEMA 2 Enclosure?

It is a housing for interior devices that provide sufficient security against widespread potential pollution.

NEMA 2 enclosures are an outstanding product for enclosed devices. It requires sufficient security at a low cost.

They are commonly utilized for various purposes and reflector industrial applications. It is commonly used for hardware technology.

What Does NEMA Stand for?

This is a common term for the manufacturing industry.

NEMA stands for National Electrical Manufacturers Association. It is widely used for electrical components and NEMA ratings.

What Are The Benefits of NEMA 2 Enclosure?

NEMA 2 Enclosures are designed for interior usage and also provide security for the machinery within the compartment.

It protects the enclosed device from dropping dust and debris and small portions of raindrops.

NEMA 2 enclosure has extreme components protection that is placed in dangerous places that could benefit both users and manufacturers.

It guarantees the exact compatibility, security, and electrical functions and determines the best environment locations.

What are The Essential Characteristics of NEMA 2 Enclosure?

NEMA 2 Enclosures are rated based on how they protect.

Here are some of the important characteristics that the NEMA 2 Enclosure provides based on the rating:

  • It guards against the splash of lights and the drenching of water.
  • It is rated to use inside the location.
  • It defends against unintended interaction with the components of the machine.
  • It serves as a safeguard against access from dirt that is falling and solid objects.

What Are Different NEMA 2 Enclosure Features and Advantages?

NEMA 2 enclosure has great features and advantages for various applications and installations. It provides safety and excellent electrical components protection:

  • It comes in different sizes, styles, and arrangements.
  • It has custom finishes and escalating selections.
  • It is non-corrosive.
  • It is sealed and heavy-duty.
  • It can resist strong impacts.
  • The type of materials used has the perfect ability and is strong for any condition.
  • It is strong enough to prevent dust and water.
  • It is strong when it comes to rust for indoor and outdoor applications.
  • It can completely resist any harsh weather and environment.
  • It is also fireproof and has explosion resistance.
  • It is widely applicable for industrial use.

Hazards that NEMA 2 Enclosure Can Resist:

NEMA 2 Enclosures are widely known for protecting the enclosed materials against environmental hazards that include the following:

  1. Ice formation along the exterior of the enclosed material.
  2. Unintentional interaction with the hands and body parts of the workers.
  3. The immersion at a controlled depth.
  4. Admission of atmospheric particles such as dust and dirt.
  5. Corrosion dangers such as saltwater.
  6. Different weather conditions such as heavy rains and snow.
  7. Hose-directed water interaction.
  8. Contact with water.
  9. Explosions and fire that is the result of combustible dust and vapors.

Which Material Does NEMA 2 Enclosure Made Of?

NEMA 2 Enclosure Made

NEMA 2 Enclosure Made

NEMA enclosures are highly made of strong and durable materials.

Each type of NEMA 2 enclosure material has different capabilities and functions. It fits indoor and outdoor installations at various options.

  1. アルミニウム

This type of metal is both attractive and tough.

  1. Polycarbonate

It is a heavy-duty plastic polymer that has a light and tough functioning and a vigorous resistance in UV.

  1. ABS Plastic

It offers great robustness and it is not costly as it is meant to be indoors and not outdoors.

  1. Stainless Steel

It is the ultimate corrosion-resistant protection. It is a standardized enclosure and stronger for construction.

  1. プラスチック

It uses ABS which is applied to indoor installations. Polycarbonate for stronger cabinets and long-life service.

Where Does NEMA 2 Enclosure Applied?

NEMA 2 enclosures are well-liked among manufacturers all over the world for their extreme everyday performance.

  • Indoor electronic applications
  • Utility control equipment
  • Electronic mechanism panels for the purpose of the application in the manufacturing of light.
  • Junction boxes in indoor
  • Industrial environments and non-corrosive coolants- greases and oil.

What Are The Uses Of NEMA 2 Enclosure?

NEMA 2 Enclosures are normally utilized as the greatest level of defense for electronic devices.

A wide variety of equipment can be enclosed inside them. It offers additional security against hazardous environments.

It gives protection against hazardous atmospheric elements such as water.

This type of enclosure is designed to extend safety in indoor environments with the dangers of explosions from flammable substances.

What Are Different Types Of NEMA 2 Enclosure?

NEMA 2 エンクロージャ

There are some common types of NEMA 2 enclosures that include the following:

  1. Water Resistant NEMA 2 Enclosure

It has a watertight gasket to keep it safe from wet conditions and is ideal for indoor and outdoor applications.

  1. Dust Resistant NEMA 2 Enclosure

It has the best seal security sections from dust particles and precludes from corrosion.

  1. Connection Boxes NEMA 2 Enclosure

It can be positioned in walls and poles in a variety of sizes. It secures mounted and underground wires and cables

  1. Pure Cover NEMA 2 Enclosure

Formed from robust equipment. It is designed to resist heat and water present in dirty environments.

  1. Indoor NEMA 2 Enclosure

Manufactured to enclose electronic components with different sizes and styles. This is appropriate for industrial and commercial environments.

  1. Outdoor NEMA 2 Enclosure

This is the best way that is made with leak and waterproof capabilities for hazardous environments.

  1. Pivot NEMA 2 Enclosure

This type of enclosure includes material choices which include ABS and stainless steel.

Which Industries Does NEMA 2 Enclosure CommonlyOperate?

NEMA 2 enclosure is designed for different industries that help avoid electrical shock and explosion.

Here are different industries that usually NEMA 2 enclosure operates:

  • Grease and Smoke Industry
  • マリン
  • Substitute Energy
  • Telecommunications