24V DC Fuse

A 24-volt DC fuse protects DC circuits operating at 24 volts from excessive flows of current. Where the circuit experiences current flows over 24 volts, flow is interrupted by the fuse heating up and melting.

Fuse Symbols
Fuse Symbols


While the specific features and specifications for a 24-volt DC fuse can vary, they possess certain common features. These 電気ヒューズ have the following features:

  • The voltage rating of a 24 volt DC fuse is clearly defined for circuits operating at 24 volts. In this case, the fuse will safely interrupt current flow over 24 volts in a DC circuit.
  • 24-volt DC fuses can have quick or slow blow characteristics based on the quickness of their response to overcurrent conditions. Some applications may require quick response to overcurrent or slow response subject to circuit characteristics.
  • A complimentary parameter to voltage rating, current rating offers a current limitation for these fuses in a DC circuit. Fuses can have current ratings like 1A, 5A, and 10A, which define their current carrying capability.
  • Fuses like these have markings indicating appropriate certifications that demonstrate their compliance to industry standards.
  • Some of these fuses may include indicators to aid in identifying a blown fuse e.g. a colored indicator or a fuse window.
  • These fuses are defined by an interrupting capacity which is an indicator of its ability to safely interrupt the current flow.
  • These fuses can be assigned temperature ratings specifying the ambient temperature range within which they can safely operate. Temperature rating affects the performance of a 24-volt DC fuse especially when operated in an environment outside the scope.


A 24-volt DC fuse finds use in applications with DC circuits operating at 24 volts. Some of these applications are:

  • 24 volts DC sources supply several electronic devices and appliances like motors and diodes which incorporate 24 volt fuses.
  • Communication devices such as routers and power supply units utilizing 24-volt DC sources include such fuses to safeguard from overcurrents.
  • Electrical circuits in large automotive applications like RVs and tour buses utilize 24-volt DC circuits for lighting, audio and heating. These systems utilize 24-volt DC fuses for circuit protection from overcurrents.
  • Hybrid and off-grid solar systems with 24-volt DC sources use these similarly rated fuses for wiring and component protection.
  • Industrial control systems can employ fused 24 volt DC circuits for their electronic components such as actuators and sensors.