Differences in Electrical Control Panels vs Electrical Enclosures

Differences in Electrical Control Panels vs Electrical Enclosures

Electrical control panels and electrical enclosures are important for safety and efficiency in electrical engineering and design. Understanding the differences between these two will provide proper protection for your business.

This article will thoroughly explain the key differences between these two and how they are applied in different scenarios. Let’s dive right into it.

What is an Electrical Control Panel?

What is an Electrical Control Panel

An electrical control panel is the brain of electrical systems. It comprises of essential components like controllers, circuit breakers and relays. 

Some of the main functions of this component include: 

  • Automation: Oversees the operation of electrical systems
  • Safety: Providing 100% safety of equipment from hazards 
  • Efficiency: Enhancing and Improving the performance of work operations

What is an Electrical Enclosure?

What is an Electrical Enclosure

An electrical enclosure is a physical cabinet or structure that protects the control panel. There are different types of electrical enclosures. Here is a list of some of its functions:

  • Safety: Minimizes the chances of dangerous incidents
  • Protection: Offers shelter for the components to keep dust away

Key Differences in Electrical Control Panels vs Electrical Enclosures

Key Differences in Electrical Control Panels vs Electrical Enclosures

While electrical control panels and electrical enclosures are used interchangeably in discussions, there are clear distinctions between them. The following section will list out the differences you should keep in mind: 


While the electrical control panel actively manages electrical systems, electrical closures protect the equipment.


While the former is made up of various components including circuit breakers and relay switch, the latter is empty. It is just designed to securely house the components.


The control panel functions as the central intelligence unit that organizes operations. It functions as a power distributor and renders industrial automation of work. The enclosure, though, acts as a shield and protector of equipment from damage and hazards.  


Although these two play vital roles in safety matters, they do so in different ways. The control panel contains built-in mechanisms to provide safety. For example, it has system monitoring, overload protection and emergency shutoffs. This helps to prevent shutdowns or failures.

Enclosures do not have built-in mechanisms. Rather, they provide a physical shield for safety.


Both are also used in varying contexts. Control panels are used in manufacturing plants and automation systems where electrical control is necessary. Enclosures, however, are used in broader settings. 

To be precise, they are used in outdoor or harsh environments where additional protection is needed.

To properly understand the differences, they are represented in the table below.

Electrical Control Panels Electrical Enclosures
Purpose Controls electrical systems Protects the control panel from damage
Components Contains relay switches, circuit breakers wiring, controllers etc Empty housing that offers protection 
Functionality Industrial automation and distribution of power Defense against hazards
Industrial Application Energy sector, manufacturing plants, etc. Used outdoors including in extreme weather
Safety Features Built-in mechanisms for safety including emergency shut-offs etc. No built-in mechanism. Just the physical shield.



Indeed, electrical control panels and electrical enclosures play crucial roles in modern electrical engineering. Understanding their differences is the beginning to a better workflow. Use them in their correct application and ensure they are regularly maintained.

If you need the services of experts for your professional enclosure, no worries. Contact KDM.

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